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Clockwork Soldier - Design Your Own Superhero Comic Book

Clockwork Soldier

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Creating your own superheroes can be fun, but why not go one better and use your imagination to create stories about your characters and design your very own comic books. This 100% plastic free kids craft kit is also brilliantly designed to be gender neutral.

This product has been designed as a project that children can either work all the way through or just complete simple sections at a time. No matter what age or drawing ability, there is something for everyone.

Activities include:
  • Designing a superhero with  costumes, powers, special skills and weapons
  • Designing a superhero logo
  • Character development
  • Planning and writing a story
  • Story boarding a comic strip
  • Designing a front cover
  • Creating a comic strip lay out
  • Pencil sketching, Inking, line work and adding colour
  • Gender neutral play
  • 1 x 8 page comic book
  • 1 x 8 page activity booklet
  • 1 x cardboard stencil sheet
  • 4 x graphic tracing sheets
  • 3 x project activity sheets
  • Age range 7-12